The Moodle system is an effective method for utilizing information and communication technologies in the education process. In terms of functionality, Moodle can be described as follows:
- The first feature is the presentation and distribution of study materials, which is designed to provide students with the information they need to study. Study materials are saved directly on the server or referenced to.
- The second feature is provided by communication tools for interaction between students and educators. These are discussion forums, chat rooms, surveys, notes, etc.
- The third feature consists of course management tools, student activity monitoring and results, evaluation of study progress and testing of learning outcomes.
All of these features are offered by the university Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle, which is available at
Upgrade Moodle: We would like to inform you about the planned update to the CZU Moodle system to version 3.1. The CZU Moodle system is one of the key IS of our university and therefore it is necessary to maintain its production environment in the current version, which will ensure its technical support and will allow further development.
Time schedule of modifications to the CZU Moodle system that impacts users:
- 4 July 2017 from 23:59, backup of the current version of the Moodle 2.9 system, all of the changes carried out after this period will not appear in the new version of the Moodle 3.1 system!
- 5 July 2017 at 8:00, complete system shutdown, CZU Moodle will not be available to users
- 5 July - 10 July 2017, upgrade to the CZU Moodle system to version 3.1 and testing of functionality, the CZU Moodle system will not be available to users during this period
- 10 July 2017 from 9:00, normal operation of the CZU Moodle system version 3.1 will resume for users
Before beginning the upgrade to the CZU Moodle system, the primary website of the system will have information available for users. If you have any questions, please contact the CZU Helpdesk or the Head of the CZU Moodle team, Ing. Dana Vynikarová ( Other Moodle systems such as PROJECT.CZU.CZ, E-SENIOR.CZU.CZ and SU-ELLS.CZU.CZ will not be restricted by this upgrade in any way, and their availability to users will not be interrupted.