Backbone network
Since the year 2000, the Czech University of Life Sciences has been connected to the CESNET2 network operated by the CESNET z.s.p.o. association via a line with a capacity of 20 Gbit/s. Via the CESNET2 network, it is also connected to the internet network through redundant routes. The first route is directly connected to CESNET in Dejvice, whilst the second line leads through the Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. More information can be found at The architecture of key central elements is thus in a high availability mode at two geographically different locations.
Faculty networks
All faculty and campus worksites of the Czech University of Life Sciences are connected to the Rectorate building via optic lines with a capacity of 20 Gbit/s. All CZU network faculties are star-shaped topologies connected in administrable active network elements with up to 1 Gbit/s to the end devices of users. Overall, approximately 350 administrable network elements, including the dormitory network (a total of about 15,000 ports), provide connectivity to end devices of users.
CZU dormitory network
The CZU dormitory network provides access to all accommodated students to the university network. All dormitory buildings (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J) provide students with a 100 Mbit/s connection. All of the necessary information on connection options can be found at, or employees of the “JIH” IT laboratory will be happy to provide them to you.
Wireless network
Connection to the CZU wireless network is available to students, employees and visitors of scientific conferences on the CZU premises. The wireless network primarily fulfils the following functions at CZU:
- Connection of university students to the eduroam network
- Connection of trusted employee devices into the internal CZU network
- Connection of guests to the internet
- Connection of worksites without optic infrastructure
The wireless access network is controlled by a controller solution with high availability without loss of connection during transfers inside the building. Coverage in school buildings is provided by over 500 wireless access points in the 802.11ac and 802.11n standards, where the connection speed reaches up to 400 Mbit/s. Buildings with full WiFi coverage are: Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Study and Information Centre, KTV, Auditorium, and the Rectorate. The Czech University of Life Sciences is part of the EDUROAM Federation and provides this wireless connection option. More information about the wireless connection to the EDUROAM university network.
Detached worksites
The connection of the majority of CZU detached worksites is usually via connection to the CESNET network or via a commercial ISP. Locations are connected by high-speed optic networks, wireless networks or ADSL lines. The data flow from these locations to the CZU university network is encrypted by VPN tunnels, and it is therefore possible to provide access to detached workplaces to the internal services of the CZU university network. List of sites with detached worksites:
- Kostelec nad Černými Lesy
- Lány
- Malá Chuchle
- Troja
- Klatovy
- Humpolec
- Liberec
- Litvínov
- Sezimovo Ústí